Who trains the trainers?

UntitledOn Tuesday,  I was invited along to Staffordshire University to take part in some tests called V02 MAX tests.  The test was part physiological, and part psychological – to see if our body’s physiology and mental ability to cope under the stress of high intensity running was helped out by listening to music.  This week I did the test without music.  Next week it will swap over!

The test involved me warming up on a treadmill, and then being linked up to heart rate monitors and oxygen supplies.  I was then started off on the treadmill and the speed was increased by 1 kph every 30 seconds.  Every time the speed was increased, I was asked to point to a number on a chart (a Borg scale) that was relevant to how I was feeling, with 1 being no exertion, and 20 being completely exhausted. Read More…

Cannock Chase Heroes!

Gregg and I are just back from having the pleasure of running 9 miles round Cannock Chase with 10 Stoke F.I.T. heroes in preparation for ‘Hell in the Middle’ in February.

We briefed them that it would be freezing cold, soaking wet, hard and hilly Read More…

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our brand new all singing all dancing website very kindly designed and maintained by our proud sponsors SO Marketing, a local company based not far away in Cheadle.

Feel free to look around, share posts on facebook, tell ALL your friends about it and spread the word; there’s a new kid on the block and we’re here to show Stoke-on-Trent that you wonderful Stoke F.I.T. members have got the right stuff!

We will now be using the website as a main focal point and source of information, then will be sharing stuff over social networks like facebook, twitter and youtube!

Keep your eyes peeled as we have loads & loads of useful information that will be posted at regular intervals!  As and when we do, please feel free to share it with your friends and on your facebook profile!

Until we see you again, keep smiling and enjoy the running!

Frank, Gregg, Richard and James 🙂

Gym session

Hi Stoke F.I.T.,

Gregg and I have both been for a run and have both decided it’s too dangerous to take anybody out in, we won’t risk anybody getting injured.

As always, in true Stoke F.I.T. style, we have a back up plan!!

We have hired out the gym at New Horizons Leisure complex, Uplands Avenue, Chell, ST6 6JT from 1700 – 1800.  We will be doing running activities, bleep test, team bleep test, speed work and other great stuff.  Bring £1.50 and a smile!

December ADVENTures

In the delightful month of December, Gregg and I thought we would set a challenge to the fantastic Stoke F.I.T. members!  It was called ADVENT – Always Do Various Exercises Next Time.

I started by picking Read More…

Spread the love…

Before I head off out, I want to leave you with this – what we do for you every Monday and Wednesday is free to you, what we do on a Friday we have to cover the costs for by charging you. Gregg and I have to cover a lot of cost from our own pocket as well. We ultimately want it to be free for you all, but for that to happen we need loads more people turning up and taking part. Once that happens we will be more attractive to investors and sponsors. Read More…


For all you lovely fab runners that are coming out to play tonight, (3/12/12) if you could please try ( not easy) to get there ten mins early we will fill you in with all the fantastic news we have for you. Please feel free to ask anything you like. See you soon.

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