DSC_0258Frank Murphy

Qualified running coach under UK Athletics

Qualified running group leader under UK Athletics

Qualified personal trainer & gym instructor

Voted coach of the year 2016 by Stoke-on-Trent city council & the sentinel.

Voted runner up coach of the year by Stoke-on-Trent council 2015

Voted Run England leader of the year 2015

As a coach and mentor I believe strongly in the following principles;

•    Using positive re-enforcement and enthusiasm to encourage people of all shapes sizes and abilities into exercise.
•    Using my own experiences to help develop the skills and abilities of other runners, through actively coaching to change and adapt techniques for the better.
•    To help set and achieve realistic goals with members of Stoke F.I.T.
•    To create a positive atmosphere in the club, and a positive mindset in it’s members and encourage Stoke F.I.T. members to do the same with each other.
•    To personally spend quality time with each member of the team, helping and encouraging each member to be the best they can be and to develop them emotionally and physically.
•    To create a foundation that can be built on, whereby other members of the team can grow and thrive and begin to show their own leadership comfortably and enthusiastically.

I founded Stoke F.I.T. in June 2012 in order to try and give the people of Stoke-on-Trent something better than they had at the time.  I firmly believe that through physical exercise, no matter how slight or intense, foundations for better health, both physically and mentally can be laid.  And with this, more of a positive attitude can be developed.  One that embraces challenge and constantly strives for more, rather than welcoming and accepting what they’re told they are worth or deserve.

My aim, is for everybody in Stoke-on-Trent to have easy and ready access to exercise and the associated benefits.

I want the only reason for people of our great city not to exercise, to be that they don’t want to.  I want to make exercise accessible to all, regardless of upbringing, financial situations or employment status.

I want to be seen to be the driving force behind my hashtag; #LETSGETBETTERTOGETHER



Emily Vickerman

Qualified running coach under UK Athletics

Qualified running group leader under UK Athletics

Voted runner up coach of the year by Stoke-on-Trent council 2015

Voted Run England leader of the year 2015

As a leader I use my own experiences with running to help reassure and encourage those new to the sport or club

  •   I have a positive no pressure approach to running which allows me to cater for all abilities
  •   I spend time getting to know members personally, this helps me to provide them with runs to suit their needs and or training schedules.
  •   ‘Can’t’ isn’t in my vocabulary!!
  •    I love to see people improve and become the best that they can be 🙂


Liz Seadon

Liz Seadon

Qualified running group leader under Uk Athletics

I joined Stoke F.I.T in August 2012 as a complete non runner. I joined with a friend and was only going to stay a couple of weeks while she settled in, I can remember feeling so scared thinking everybody else would think I was slowing them down but the support and encouragement from not only the leaders but the other runners was amazing. I can honestly say I now love running and the results that I have achieved from starting to run have had a massive impact on my life.

I’m a positive person who believes that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, hard work will always pay off. If you put in 100% effort, you’ll get out 100% results!! As a leader I would like to not only offer support and encouragement but also make every run fun, why would you stick at something you’re not enjoying?? Stoke F.I.T has always had a no pressure approach and that is something I firmly believe in too. Seeing people improve, grow in confidence as a runner and achieve what they thought was impossible is the best part of being a leader, and that is down to the hard work you put in.


Claire Barnsley

Claire Barnsley

Qualified running group leader under Uk Athletics

I am a very positive person, and I like to think that I pass this on to everybody I meet.  Positive thoughts have positive results, negative thoughts breed negativity.  I believe that anything is possible if you want it enough, if you’re consistent and never give up, dreams are obtainable. As a run leader I believe that everyone can run, you work hard and you get out what you put in. Hard-work can also be fun, so lets work hard together because we are Friends In Training 🙂






Ray Wilson

Ray Wilson

Qualified running group leader under Uk Athletics

Even as a child I was never interested in sports, football, cricket, rugby, just don’t interest me. Even so I have always been active and through scouting had a keen interest in walking, which was encouraged through scouting life which I have been a member of since being a cub scout, I have been a scout leader for nearly 40 years now, obviously working mostly with young people but also with many and various leaders.

I started running about 2 years ago and instantly found a sport that gave me pleasure.  It’s the feeling of freedom, exploration and adventure that I feel on every run and probably why I prefer the off road runs. So why do I want to be a running leader?  Well firstly I know that I enjoy leading because of my experience as a scout leader but most importantly;

I intend to be the best that I can be and it’s your results and commitment that inspires me to work us both harder therefore making ourselves and Stoke FIT the best that we can be.


Lesley Wall

Lesley Murphy

Qualified running group leader under Uk Athletics

Running has become a passion of mine and I want to share that passion with others, in hope that they will come to love running as much as I do.
As a leader my main aim is to make people believe in themselves, to believe that they can run that 1 mile, or 20 even – however many miles they want to reach. Keeping that person motivated is the key so they will continue to progress and enjoy themselves whilst running.
Being a leader is also about knowing the person I’m running with and identifying their capabilities. With this I will endeavour to help them improve and be the best that they can be.
Being a leader is brilliant !! I get to help people reach their goals and it’s a great feeling!


athletics club in stoke on trent





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