You’re probably here because you’re wondering what to do, where to go and who to meet on your first time with us!

All of the meeting times and locations can be found by clicking this text.

Once you know where to go and when to be there, the rest is simple!  Just turn up with a smile!

There’s no need to book in, no need to tell us, no need to worry or be nervous!  Although at first you may understandably be nervous, after your first session with us you’ll realise you didn’t need to be!

You should be greeted at the door and shown where to go, we have a specific room for beginners to meet in so they are away from the hustle and bustle.  You will be able to meet your run leader and they will give everybody a briefing on what to do and what to expect.

The beginner run is between 2 & 3 miles.  Whilst this sounds a massive distance, trust in us!  This is what we do.  You will have finished your first time with us having covered the whole distance.  There is no pressure, that’s why we’re so successful.  If you want to stop for a rest, you do.  If you want to walk, you do.  The best progress is made gradually!


DO NOT go out and buy anything new for your first time, we don’t want you wasting your money if you don’t like it.  Wear a light pair of pumps or trainers, clothing wise, something light that you can move around in, and in the darker months, something bright, reflective or hi-viz.  Flashing arm bands are a must in winter.  We have hi-viz reflective tabbards to lend you.


Here are some un edited testimonials from our runners.  Read their views and opinions!


Forget this question!  We’re not money orientated, we’re there to help you!  Come along to try us out for up to 4 free runs until you know that running is for you and that we are the club for you to do it with.  Once you know that, then ask the question again!  The answer is £38 a year.

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