
Nutrition and exercise

Answer these questions honestly to yourself!

Have you ever gone on a calorie counting diet?  Did you cheat it? Once finished did you go back to your old ways?

Have you ever gone on a boot camp course only to put the weight back on afterwards?

Have you ever been on a soup only or other food restricting ridiculous diet?

Have you ever considered Read More…


Everybody wants a flat stomach with a six pack, and can probably feel the six pack buried in there somewhere – but why won’t it show it’s face??  The answer is that it’s hidden beneath a layer of fat.  To have a six pack you need to drastically reduce your fat intake so your abs have nowhere to hide!

Again, understanding what foods and drink are high in fat are the key.  You might not eat chips and think you have cut it out, but have you?

Your body does need fat – just the Read More…

Gym session

Hi Stoke F.I.T.,

Gregg and I have both been for a run and have both decided it’s too dangerous to take anybody out in, we won’t risk anybody getting injured.

As always, in true Stoke F.I.T. style, we have a back up plan!!

We have hired out the gym at New Horizons Leisure complex, Uplands Avenue, Chell, ST6 6JT from 1700 – 1800.  We will be doing running activities, bleep test, team bleep test, speed work and other great stuff.  Bring £1.50 and a smile!

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