

Achilles tendinitis (correctly named Achilles tendinopathy) is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation and irritation of the Achilles tendon that can occur either in the acute or chronic form.

The condition derives its name from Greek mythology, named after Achilles, the invincible Greek warrior of the Trojan War, who was considered to be vulnerable only at his heel.

The Achilles tendon is a large rope-like Read More…

Injury – the runner’s curse

A sport for some, but a passion for the most, running has come of age as one of the most favorite sporting activities.

However, even if you see yourself as the all-cautious athlete, taking every possible Read More…


RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. When you’ve got muscle aches or joint pains, these four things are best for immediate treatment. These measures can relieve pain, reduce swelling, and protect damaged tissues, all of which speed healing. The only problem with RICE is that too many runners focus Read More…

Sprains & ligament tears

Sprains are damage caused to the ligaments that support a joint. When a force places stress on a joint there can be damage to the ligaments that surround it. The ligaments can tear or be stretched. Ankle sprains (twisted ankles), knee sprains (twisted knees) and finger sprains are Read More…

10 tips on how to stretch

1. Move slowly into the stretch.
2. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds prior to exercise (warm-up) and for 30
seconds post exercise (cool-down).
3. Breathe and relax while holding the stretch.
4. NEVER do any bouncy stretching, always hold and relax.
5. Focus on the muscle you are trying to stretch and then try to lengthen it.
6. You may be able to breath in and push the stretch slightly further half way
through the stretch. This is most important during cool-down.
7. Move slowly out of the stretch again.
8. Remember to stretch both sides.
9. Increasing the range of movement around a joint will help the blood flow to
the muscles surrounding the joint and increase circulation that will carry
away any lactic acids that may build up in the muscle.
10.Do more stretching that just warm-up and cool-down. A lot of gyms offer
stretch-classes where the aim is to permanently and progressively to
increase your flexibility.

Information courtesy of Cole’s therapy & injury clinic


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