Diabetes and exercise
Exercise helps blood sugar control
Exercise Guides
Fitness and diabetes
Keeping active
Sport and diabetes
Weight loss
People with diabetes are encouraged to Read More…
Exercise helps blood sugar control
Exercise Guides
Fitness and diabetes
Keeping active
Sport and diabetes
Weight loss
People with diabetes are encouraged to Read More…
Wall Pushup #1
Stand about three feet from a wall, feet at shoulder width and flat on the ground. Put your hands on the wall with your arms straight for support. Lean your hips forward and bend your knees slightly to stretch your calves.
Hip & Lower Back Stretch
Sit on the ground with your legs crossed. Lift your right leg and cross it over the left, which should remain bent. Hug the right leg to your chest and twist the trunk of your body to look over your right shoulder. Change legs and repeat (i.e. looking over your left shoulder).