What a perfect way to round of an already amazing year – the news that we’ve been voted the number 1 running club of 2014 by Decathlon’s customers & fans, and our very own fans!
Over the past month, clubs from all over the UK have been nominated and then voted on to decide who was deemed the ‘best’.
Whilst in my opinion, any club that encourages people to better themselves is just as good as the next, it’s the high quality of those around us that drives and motivates us to provide everything that our members need. We’re constantly evolving so that we can improve the brilliant things we do and also improve the things that didn’t quite go right the first time!
It’s quite clear that we are revolutionising running in our city with the fact that we got 30.36% (750+ people) of the total votes in the final! It’s not just the fantastic leaders that attract such a resounding vote of confidence, but every single person who runs with us, each is as important as the next.
Although we won the award of running club of the year 2014, we’re more than a running club; we’re a lifestyle club, a confidence club. We’re Friends In Training. But above all of that, we’re a family. Every member is there for each other all of the time. If one person is having a bad run, everybody will motivate and pick them up. If somebody is having an off day in general, it doesn’t last long once their family get to hear about it. After every race, each person runs back for their family member and then helps share the pain and burden by running back to the finish with them, until the whole Stoke F.I.T. family complete the race together. We then all run back for the very last runner, to show that whatever top you wear, or whatever colours you run in, we are all part of the same….we’re simply…. Friends In Training!
It is for all of the reasons above, that the people of Stoke-on-Trent didn’t just vote for Stoke F.I.T. in name, they voted for the members. They voted to show appreciation to, and express recognition of each and every person who wears the vest.
From myself and Emily, from the leadership team and the management committee, to every single one of you that voted, to every single one of you that cheers us on at races and to every single one of you that helps anybody anywhere to better themselves…..THANK YOU 🙂
To every single member of Stoke F.I.T. past and present…THANK YOU 🙂
To read more on the Decathlon blog, click here.
If you come back and check our site from 9am tomorrow, there might even be some more great news 😉