so marketing

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our brand new all singing all dancing website very kindly designed and maintained by our proud sponsors SO Marketing, a local company based not far away in Cheadle.

Feel free to look around, share posts on facebook, tell ALL your friends about it and spread the word; there’s a new kid on the block and we’re here to show Stoke-on-Trent that you wonderful Stoke F.I.T. members have got the right stuff!

We will now be using the website as a main focal point and source of information, then will be sharing stuff over social networks like facebook, twitter and youtube!

Keep your eyes peeled as we have loads & loads of useful information that will be posted at regular intervals!  As and when we do, please feel free to share it with your friends and on your facebook profile!

Until we see you again, keep smiling and enjoy the running!

Frank, Gregg, Richard and James 🙂

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