

A dislocation happens when a force pushes one bone of a joint over the other. A dislocation should be put back in place as soon as possible by a trained professional.

Treating a dislocation
Seek urgent medical help to put the joint back in place.
Do not use ice or heat on the joint until it has been popped back in.
Once the dislocated joint has been popped back in it will usually need to be immobilised for some time with a splint or brace to give the joint capsule, tendons and ligaments time to heal.

Follow RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) to reduce the swelling and pain once the dislocated joint has been put back in place.

Information courtesy of Cole’s therapy & injury clinic

Broken bones

Fractures, or broken bones usually take a minimum of six weeks to heal, and will normally need to be immobilised to ensure they heal properly.

Treating a broken bone

Always seek medical attention if you suspect a broken bone.
Do not apply heat over a suspected broken bone. Don’t apply ice to an open fracture (where the bone has pierced the skin) but get urgent medical attention.

Information courtesdy of Cole’s therapy & injury clinic

Trapped nerve

Sometimes nerves become compressed or irritated by other structures in the body. They become pinched between tight muscles and bones, or irritated by friction with other structures. This can cause pain, numbness, tingling or pins and needles. Read More…

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