
Who trains the trainers?

UntitledOn Tuesday,  I was invited along to Staffordshire University to take part in some tests called V02 MAX tests.  The test was part physiological, and part psychological – to see if our body’s physiology and mental ability to cope under the stress of high intensity running was helped out by listening to music.  This week I did the test without music.  Next week it will swap over!

The test involved me warming up on a treadmill, and then being linked up to heart rate monitors and oxygen supplies.  I was then started off on the treadmill and the speed was increased by 1 kph every 30 seconds.  Every time the speed was increased, I was asked to point to a number on a chart (a Borg scale) that was relevant to how I was feeling, with 1 being no exertion, and 20 being completely exhausted. Read More…

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