I decided to run the Market Drayton 10K race at early as 2014. This was going to be my first Market Drayton 10k race experience and only my second ever 10k race. Early in the year, my training was going very well. I was really enjoying my running with Stoke FIT friends. I was getting good times at Hanley park run, with that my confidence was high and a sub 50 min finishing time was a real possibility.
I then hit a spell of bad luck with three injury setbacks one after the other. I only managed to get 6 training runs in the last two months prior to the race. However, I was still determined to run at the Market Drayton 10k but I had to revaluate my finishing time. I set myself a 55 minute target for the race, with all the support and encouragement created by the 50 + Stoke FIT family members at this event, more than made up for my shortage of fitness I finished the race 54 minutes something.
The organisation and facilities were first class with a 10k course to match (not to mention the awesome goody bag). I have now signed up for the race in 2016. I now have 12 months to dream of achieving that sub 50 goal. I am very optimistic that this will be achievable with help, advice and support of Stoke FIT.