
Cool down – when? why?

Before doing any exercise, whether it be running, circuit training, football or whatever you chose, it is vital that beforehand you go through a thorough and effective warm up routine and that afterwards you effectively cool down.

We have touched on warming up here, with the aim being that your body; mainly your muscles, and your mind are prepared for the work they are about to do.

If you don’t warm up before exercise then you are highly likely Read More…

Nutrition and exercise

Answer these questions honestly to yourself!

Have you ever gone on a calorie counting diet?  Did you cheat it? Once finished did you go back to your old ways?

Have you ever gone on a boot camp course only to put the weight back on afterwards?

Have you ever been on a soup only or other food restricting ridiculous diet?

Have you ever considered Read More…

Water & hydration

Water is needed to maintain and regulate a healthy and happy body AND mind.  Best of all it is free(ish).  We are given guidelines of 8 cups of water to drink per day.  This should be increased if you take part in exercise so that essential fluids are replaced and maintained.  Slight dehydration can affect our physical performance in sports by up to 15% and can greatly reduce our mental capacity.  Many primary schools now allow pupils to take water into class with them, and have seen massive improvements in pupil’s alertness and in aptitude & mental learning ability and memory recall.  A good way Read More…


Carbohydrates provide our muscles with fuel and they are our most efficient way of receiving energy. They are mainly divided into two groups: simple carbohydrates, and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates (including fruit and sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolates) are the most basic form of sugar and provide a quick, short energy burst that doesn’t last. They only add extra calories and not many nutrients.

Foods higher in carbohydrates include ones that provide dietary fibre and whole grains as well as those without added sugars. Natural food sources of carbohydrates include grains (rice, cereal); fruits (apples, oranges, bananas); starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes, corn); and dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt). To understand the functioning and role of carbohydrates, it is very important to know its types.

The two vary nutritionally, and are broken down in different ways during digestion. Read More…

Pregnancy and running

Are you pregnant and a runner?
If you were running before becoming pregnant, you don’t need to stop just because you’re expecting. A healthy, low-risk pregnancy enables you to continue your exercise routine without dramatic changes. Of course, if you were never a Read More…

Gym session

Hi Stoke F.I.T.,

Gregg and I have both been for a run and have both decided it’s too dangerous to take anybody out in, we won’t risk anybody getting injured.

As always, in true Stoke F.I.T. style, we have a back up plan!!

We have hired out the gym at New Horizons Leisure complex, Uplands Avenue, Chell, ST6 6JT from 1700 – 1800.  We will be doing running activities, bleep test, team bleep test, speed work and other great stuff.  Bring £1.50 and a smile!

December ADVENTures

In the delightful month of December, Gregg and I thought we would set a challenge to the fantastic Stoke F.I.T. members!  It was called ADVENT – Always Do Various Exercises Next Time.

I started by picking Read More…

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