A polite request

Hi guys!!

We have a request from you if we could!!  We hope you don’t take it the wrong way as it’s not our intention to upset anybody!!

When we are asking who is coming to the run or circuit training, please only tell us if you are coming, not if you are not!  The reason is threefold;

1) A lot of time and effort goes in behind the scenes, especially by Gregg, to plan and rehearse our sessions.  We run the routes personally beforehand to make sure they are safe.  We try the circuits ourselves and it is important we have a good idea of the amount of people we are going to be working with.  If we plan for 10 people and 50 turn up we have to think on our feet pretty quickly!  When we ask who is going to be coming, we just need to know numbers as simply and as quickly as possible so we can have a quick flick through the posts and count them up!  As you probably have noticed the posts soon get consumed by all sorts of stuff – everything apart from the actual answer we need to know!!  Let us know by private message by all means.  We are both busy with work, families and trying to fit our own training in aswell as all of the stuff we do behind the scenes for Stoke F.I.T.!!

2) If you aren’t going to come or can’t make it for one reason or another that’s fine, it’s your choice and we don’t try to impose any rules or tell you you have to come.  But if you put for all to see that you are not coming, then other people soon see it and think ‘Oh well if she isn’t going I’m not going to go’.  So that person posts that they aren’t going and soon enough 5 people aren’t going to go!  Positivity is contagious, but so is negativity!!

3) Our time is precious and limited.  We are only able to give it to the ones that are there, not the ones that aren’t.  If you can’t make it, then yes, we agree, it’s a great shame, but we have to put 110% of our attention into the ones that are with us!


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