Cycle F.I.T. comes to Stoke

Stoke Cycle F.I.T.

2015 will see the introduction of 2 new and exciting additions to our Stoke F.I.T. portfolio of running and circuit training.

Firstly we will be introducing our cycle F.I.T. club and secondly, in spring time, we aim to introduce Stoke F.I.T. minis – a children’s running group.

The cycle club will take on a similar role as the running, whereby we will help get people fit and active through cycling.  Whether you have a bike or not, our long term aim, through sponsorship, is to have a stock of bikes that we can loan out until you decide whether or not you like cycling.  if you do, you can buy your own, but if it’s not for you, you haven’t wasted anything!

We plan on meeting one evening per week at the moment, and as we progress, forming breakaway groups to take on road cycling, mountain biking and groups to follow the many miles of the city’s 55 & 555 national cycle trail at weekends.

Stoke F.I.T. minis will be held in a safe secure location and hosted by DBS cleared and ‘safeguarding children’ trained leaders.  We’ll start with the basics of sports such as Agility, Balance and Co-ordination and work with each child to develop their confidence aswell as their athletic ability.  Once they’re at a suitable level of fitness we will encourage them to do specific training that will work on improving their strengths and developing their weaknesses.  As time goes by we will then be able to place them in an environment where they feel confident competing against other children in the city.  As they further develop and grow into adults, we hope to have helped them develop the foundations to achieve great success however they want with our Stoke F.I.T. main adult club.

If we’re going to get better….#letsgetbettertogether